Thursday, September 9, 2010

Money Farming & Africa

The New World Order Ideology and Africa by Tatah Mentan
The New World Order Ideology expressed in the form of neoliberal globalization has been
used by numerous politicians, scholars and media men through the ages. It refers to a
worldwide conspiracy to effect complete and total control over the planet through money
farming. This book examines the case of Africa put directly on the chopping board as client
states by this ideology – when less hampered by idealistic slogans as human rights, raising
living standards and democratization – to better the achievement of the agenda of the
money farmers whose goal is to establish government by loan operations. The money
farmers’ strategy, as in credit card companies, is to lend as much as the subject target can
borrow and still pay fees, charges and interest payments. This means to encourage them
to borrow, loan after loan, consolidate all other loans and keep lending – up until the crop
of foreign exchange seems in jeopardy. The ideal from the Lending Agency viewpoint is to
get an African country maxed out on loans to the point that it actually operates all of its
government and the nation on LOANS. Once that goal is achieved, you basically have a
never ending crop of FOREIGN EXCHANGE from helpless and hopeless African
governments and people. Here is Tatah Mentan at his trenchant best!
ISBN 9789956578610 | 278 pages | 234 x 156 mm | 2010 | Langaa RPCIG, Cameroon |
Economics & Development | Politics & International Affairs | Policy & Development
Tatah Mentan
Professor Tatah Mentan has taught Political Science as well as journalism and
mass communication in African, American, and Canadian universities. His
research interests are in the areas of globalization and security issues,
contemporary African politics and the political economy of international relations.
Prominent among Tatah Mentan’s publications are the following books: Dilemmas
of Weak States: Africa and transnational terrorism in the twenty-first century,
Ashgate, 2004; Held Together by Pins: Liberal Democracy Under Siege in Africa,
Trenton, N.J.: Africa World Press, 2007; With Neither Guns nor Bullets :
Recolonisation of Africa Today, Global Publishers, New Delhi, India, 2007. Dr
Tatah Mentan has authored scores of peer-reviewed articles published in
scholarly journals in Africa and abroad.

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